• Rebrand? How To Know When It’s Time.

    Rebrand? How To Know When It’s Time.

    Camille says… Embarking on a new brand is a significant endeavor that renders all your current assets outdated. So, why take this leap? Because rebranding, when executed at an opportune moment for compelling reasons, can revolutionize your organization. Discover the motivations behind such a transformative move and the crucial steps to consider before initiating a rebranding journey. Read time: 2 minutes


  • Importance of a Brand Standards Manual

    Importance of a Brand Standards Manual

    Leigh says… A brand standards manual (also known as a brand book, guide, or bible) guides anyone in the use of your brand messaging and appearance across all platforms. It plays an important role in protecting the outward appearance of your brand—it tells your company story so your employees and vendors know what you stand for and how you should be perceived. Read time: 7 minutes